Diamond tools production plant

Production of up-to-date and high quality segments for diamond tools is at the forefront of merging scientific breakthroughs in the field of material engineering, search of the best and innovative components, use of advanced production equipment, and organization of the reliable and smoothly running production process.

All these factors have laid the basis for the concept of building a diamond segment production plant Delta.

ЕвроСтандарт - Сертификат соответствия

ЕвроСтандарт - Сертификат соответствия

for over


the plant has been producing segments rated both in Russia and abroad as high-end quality products


Измерение твердости алмазных сегментов

The plant production laboratory staff is constantly working on optimizing current designs of the segments, developing and searching for new compositions and mixtures, and validating new process solutions.

for over


a thorough search of new solutions and ways to optimize existing processes has been performed

Алмазы для производства режущего инструмента

The shape and size of the diamonds used are significant factors in determining properties of the future diamond tools

Производство и восстановление алмазных сегментов

An expert determines the segment design accuracy and its compliance with the operating conditions based on the segment working layer


Сертификат соответствия

Алмазные сегменты, произведенные на заводе «Дельта»

We develop products with highly reproducible properties, i.e. with a guaranteed quality.

All new developments are subject to a full testing cycle required by technical specifications.

Serial products are comprehensively checked on a regular basis for compliance with the specified characteristics.

Laboratory tests are carried out by engineers using standard test samples with strictly defined composition, density and reinforcement parameters.

This ensures the accuracy of results obtained and, as a consequence, allows us to develop products with highly reproducible properties, i.e. with a guaranteed quality.

Бетонный керн

Laboratory tests are carried out by engineers using standard test samples with strictly defined composition, density and reinforcement parameters.

size of the reinforcing bar is used for the reinforcement of a standard block.

Each test hole contains four reinforcement layers.

Comprehensive control of production processes

HRC is a Rockwell C hardness of our segments intended for processing abrasive materials

Сырье для производства алмазных сегментов

One of the key factors to ensure high quality of products and reliability of their delivery is the high quality of raw materials and reliability of suppliers.

Our plant sources raw materials from the leading Russian and foreign manufacturers, with more than a decade of proven partnership experience.

However, the plant storage system allows timely delivery of products to the customers even if raw material suppliers face emergency situations.

Лаборатория завода «Дельта» по производству алмазных инструментов

Quality Control Department established at the plant with the active participation of the laboratory staff is equipped with all the necessary instrumentation to conduct various types of control measurements.

Multistage monitoring system and welladjusted feedback between the Quality Control Department and laboratories allow responding to any deviations from a specified standard quickly and efficiently and resolving their causes without delay. This systematic thorough work is carried out according to ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard and contributes to the high level of the products’ parameter stability and quality.

Подготовка смеси для производства алмазных сегментов

The mixtures are prepared in strict accordance with the plant proprietary recipe. During the following stages these mixtures are used in the finished products’ assembly.

Granulating shop productivity meets demands for prepared mixtures not only of the plant itself, but also of the outside customers.

Подготовка смеси на заводе по производству алмазного инструмента

tons of diamond and metal mixtures are prepared in the granulating shop each month

Quality Management System according to ISO 9001

Алмазные сегменты производства завода «Дельта»

The entire production process, from the procurement of raw materials to the storage of finished products, is organized using Delta plant’ own facilities.

different production processes can be followed up and monitored simultaneously

Кобальт используется при производстве алмазного инструмента

Cobalt is one of the best materials to form a metal-bond matrix of a diamond tool.

An automated production management system allows optimizing resources allocation, coordinating individual stages of the production process in time, and tracking the passing of all control milestones.

All these measures contribute to reducing production cost of the finished goods and ensuring their consistent quality.

Установка для производства алмазных сегментов

Production processes are monitored by the skilled specialists.

Automated equipment

Оборудование для производства алмазных сегментов фирмы DR.Fritsch

Our production shops are equipped with machines made by Dr.Fritsch (Germany), a world-leading manufacturer of diamond segments.

Завод алмазного инструмента «Дельта»: цех холодного прессования алмазных сегментов

The plant is equipped with both gravimetric cold press machines and volumetric extra-high performance cold press machines.

Hot press machines operate in automatic mode which allows imparting unique properties to the segments.

Cold pressing shop

If necessary, total capacity of the cold press machines allows a two-fold increase in output.

Even during the seasonal peak of demand for segments, delivery commitments are never violated, since the plant’s top goal is maximum customer satisfaction, and customers value not only quality and reliability of the products, but also quality and reliability of supplies.

pellets of segments per minute is an output of the cold pressing shop

Hot pressing shop

Установка для производства алмазных сегментовHot press machines operate in automatic mode according to the program entered by the operator.

Selection of modes and their combination is the plant know-how, which allows imparting unique properties to the segments.

segments can be sintered per working cycle of a single hot press machine

Графитовые элементы для изготовления алмазных сегментовThe plant has got a large stock of forming graphite elements for making a wide range of diamond segments with different dimensions.

Laser marking indicating a segment type and a batch number is applied on the most segments in order to provide customer feedback and immediately resolve any issues arising during operation.

It allows solving many issues and making recommendations to eventually achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

Smoothly running logistics

Автоматизация склада

The plant products sales are seasonal due to the seasonal nature of the building and construction activities.

Матрицы для холодного прессования алмазных сегментов

Cold pressing dies are manufactured of high alloy steels with high precision.

Алмазные сегменты производства завода «Дельта»

The plant products sales are seasonal due to the seasonal nature of the building and construction activities.

During seasonal peaks of sales demand for our products shows a many-fold increase.

The plant finished products’ stocking program provides fulfillment of all obligations to the customers.

m3 of the finished products are stored in the plant’s warehouse

Diamond tools

Regarding diamond segment cut-off wheels especially those for laser welding, accuracy of matching a segment and a housing of the wheel is critical.

Our special-purpose Dr.Fritsch machine performs this task in automatic mode in a split second and with the highest precision.

Процесс наварки алмазных коронок на дисковую пил

seconds are required to weld segments to the crown of 152 mm diameter

Thus, we can safely say that the diamond segments manufacturing plant Delta, which is equipped with advanced machinery, using innovative production processes and the latest achievements of material engineering, managed according to the Quality Management System requirements, and focused on maximum customer satisfaction.

Delta plant offer segments, including those for laser welding of discs and crowns, with stable performance parameters and guaranteed quality.

Address: 5, Georgievsky prosp.,
Moscow, 124460

+7 (495) 987-12-36